how to build a relationship that drives individual evolution and life in partnership?
A.MAR is a laboratory of practices, tools and content about a new culture of love, at the service of more mature, lively and constantly moving relationships. Inspired by the sea and based on extensive personal and professional research, we invite you to embark on this collective journey through the free and abundant waters of love.

"Love is more than a feeling.
It is a choice"
improve your relationships with this 4-part program
This course is for everyone who seeks evolution in their affective and loving relationships. A deep dive into your inner sea, to refine your ability to navigate with more presence and maturity with those you love. In each meeting, we will learn about one "law of the sea" and apply it directly to this practice of a new culture of love.
Law nº 1
"Like the sea, love is impermanent"
What do I fill my void with?
Anchoring and return to the power center.
Law nº 2
"Like the sea, love is scary"
How do I project my fears onto others?
Revealing jealousy, attachment and control. Practice of authentic presence and movement.
Law nº 3
"Like the sea, in love there are no lies"
How to speak and hear the truth?
Emotional responsibility, communication and active listening.
Law nº 4
"Like the sea, in love there are no borders"
How to love with more agreements and less rules?
Consent, alignment and integrity.
navegate with presence even through storms
During four weeks we will work on returning to our own center of power, will delve into patterns of fear, jealousy and control, we will practice radically honest communication and active listening, and we will understand more about how to create more integral and upward-moving relationships. The course includes:
⚓ Four in-person meetings via Zoom with a total of 10 hours
⚓ Access to our moderated Telegram group, with relevant content, exercises and additional materials
⚓ Recording of Zoom meetings
⚓ Meeting 1: 13.04 from 19:00 to 21:30
⚓ Meeting 2: 20.04 from 19:00 to 21:30
⚓ Meeting 3: 27.04 from 19:00 to 21:30
⚓ Meeting 4: 04.05 from 19:00 to 21:30
⚓ Affordable: R$ 550
⚓ Fair: R$ 640
⚓ Abundant: R$ 730

"whatever we have, whatever this is, i'm not quite sure.i don't really know. it doesn't have a name. but I like it. It makes me feel silly and vulnerable, loved, Valued and above all, it makes me feel good. all at once"
facilitation & Guidance
Pleasure! I am Raíssa, human development facilitator and messenger of the sea. From monogamy to polyamory, from betrayal to truth, from jealousy to compassion, from drama to maturity: I have ventured into all these waters, and far beyond "right or wrong", today I seek to integrate them. From integration comes the clarity that I choose to be at the service of the healing of love. Therefore, this journey is the compilation of my personal and professional research of more than ten years on the art of creating powerful relationships that overflow powerful beings, in creative union with the main lessons learned
by living with my greatest master: the sea.
Did you feel the call? Let's practice this new culture together!